Helping busy women & men
Drop Fat & Build Muscle


  • Fast Results

  • Unlimited Support

  • Learn How To Maintain Your New Body

  • More Confidence & Compliments!

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Online Personal Trainer

Online Personal Trainer

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Your Training To Your Pocket 




Online Personal Trainer Testimonials

Tired Of Not Seeing Results? 

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Have you been trying to get a six pack with no results from your hard work?
Do you go in the gym without a plan?
Do you go to the supermarket with the aim to eat well and not know where to start?

If you answered YES to the above, here’s how we will FAST TRACK your progress…

  • Customised Training & Nutrition Plan, Tailored To Your Goals

  • Daily Habits & Activity Set To Your Requirements

  • Full Access To Our App & Exercise Demos

  • Learn To Incorporate The Foods You Love To Help Your Journey

  • Track Multiple Metrics To Learn How Your Body Responds

  • Weekly Checkins With Us To Make Real Time Adjustments

Would You Like To -

  • Feel confident In Your Body & Not Be Self Conscious In Your Outfits?

  • Stop Constant Yo-Yo Diets & Keep Your Results?

  • Have More Energy At Work & At Home?

  • Eat Foods You Love & Have Fun Working Out?

  • Look Great, Feel Great & Have A Better Quality Of Life?


Online Personal Training that Guarantees Results

We leave no stone unturned in ensuring your success and results. Watch our video snapshot to get an inside look at what our coaching offers.





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"Through their guidance and encouragement, I've not only seen physical transformations in my body, but I've also experienced a newfound sense of confidence and empowerment. Their holistic approach to fitness has taught me the importance of mindset, nutrition, and consistency, and I'm now equipped with the tools to maintain my progress for life. Highly recommend the Online Personal Trainer experience - It exceeded all of my expectations”.

Julia | Online Personal Training Client | 2024

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Please take the time to look at our Frequently Asked Questions page which can be found at the foot of the about page. Here we answer some of the most common questions about Online Personal Training.





Frequently Asked Questions ?

Online Personal Training | Health & Fitness | Training & Nutrition | App Delivery

  • Are you frustrated by the lack of progress despite dedicating significant time and effort to your fitness routine? Look no further! As dedicated personal trainers based in London we are here to provide you with expert guidance, personalised support, and structured programs to help you achieve your health, fitness, and weight loss goals.

    With a passion for fitness and a commitment to your success, we offer personalised training programs tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Whether your goals are weight loss, muscle building, endurance improvement, or overall well-being enhancement, we have the expertise, experience, and dedication to guide you every step of the way.

    As your dedicated Online Personal Trainer, we offer:

    Personalised Training and Exercise Plans: Custom-designed gym workout programs that align with your weight loss goals, exercise preferences, and fitness levels.

    Expert Guidance and Support: Motivation, accountability, and comprehensive advice on proper form, technique, and nutrition, all delivered conveniently through our app.

    Varied and Effective Workouts: Engaging and diverse workout routines that prevent boredom and plateaus, ensuring continuous progression and increased motivation.

    Flexibility and Convenience: Flexible scheduling options, tailored to fit your busy lifestyle.

    Results-Oriented Approach: Our focus is on delivering tangible, sustainable results that transform not only your body but also your mindset, lifestyle, and health.

    Accountability: Regular weekly check-ins with your personal trainer to keep you on track and motivated, ensuring consistent progress and accountability.

    Don’t let excuses hinder your fitness progress any longer. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by choosing us as your online personal trainers. Together, we will work diligently to turn your fitness goals into reality. With years of experience in the health and fitness industry, we have empowered clients from diverse backgrounds to embrace healthier lifestyles, overcome fitness obstacles, and achieve extraordinary results, especially in weight loss.

    Located in South London we will work closely with you to create an exercise and nutrition program that fits seamlessly into your schedule. Recognising the critical role of nutrition in your fitness journey, we provide comprehensive guidance in this essential area.

    If you’re ready to elevate your fitness, seize the opportunity today. Contact us to discover how Primal Transformations Online Personal Training can help turn your fitness and weight loss aspirations into reality.

    For more information about our products and services see our packages page or visit our FAQ section.

  • Using a an Online Personal Trainer is a new and exciting way to offer Personal Training and achieve life-changing transformations, what’s more is it's affordable. It can be utilised by anyone, anywhere, offering convenience, flexibility and affordability. See more about using an Online Personal Trainer via our about page or FAQ page

    The design and model of using an Online Personal Trainer has been proven to get optimal fitness results and yet it comes at a fraction of the cost of in person personal training.

    Using an Online Personal Trainer is essentially Personal Training and guidance provided remotely via internet platforms and digital communication tools, at Primal Transformations this is delivered via our training app. In this setup, we, your certified Online Personal Trainer will work with you virtually, creating your personalised workout plans, setting your nutritional targets, providing accountability, and support to help you achieve your fitness goals. We conduct weekly check ins and in-app progress tracking, making adjustments and weekly alterations where required, all to ensure you continue progressing in the right direction.

    Working with an Online Personal Trainer isn’t just about that hour you go to the gym to exercise under instruction. It’s about providing you with a full exercise training program every day of the week, giving you both structure and focus in your training sessions. We don’t go to the gym with you but this means you build the confidence over time and feel comfortable going to the gym on your own with your bespoke plan in hand. Over time this installs you with the confidence to take responsibility for your training, train with flexibility, know what exercises your doing, how many sets how many reps etc you’ll record all your workouts so you can actually see your progress each week. Each exercise comes with a video demonstration but if your still unsure you can record one of your sets and send to us for a form check, this is all possible by our in app messenger.

    Using an Online Personal Trainer will enable you to feel confident to attend the gym and complete your sessions with out someone watching over you, long term this creates freedom, flexibility and confidence, the flexibility to go when it suits you meaning your more likely to stick with it. Aside from the training program we manage and set your daily targets for your nutrition, hydration and general physical activity. Its the combination of these elements that will render results - not just the time you spend at the gym.

    As your Online Personal Trainer it’s our job to support you through your training journey everyday of the week. Thats why our app has an in app chat function.

    Hiring an Online Personal Trainer creates a cost effective solution and a sustainable approach to exercise and training all with the common goal of obtaining the results your looking for. It will also cultivate new and lasting habits not just inside the gym but outside too. Making healthier choices but ultimately understanding your body and more importantly your food and the impact food can have on your results.

    In summary an Online Personal Trainer offers a convenient, flexible, and personalised approach to attaining your goals, enabling you to transform your body with both guidance and support from certified professionals, regardless of geographical location or time constraints.

    If you’ve been hitting the gym for the last 8-12 weeks and have seen little or no progress, don’t waste anymore time, get in contact and lets get you the results your looking for.

  • Our online personal training cater to a wide range of budgets. We've designed our pricing to be competitive and inclusive, ensuring everyone can access quality motivational health and fitness training. Find out more.

    Turning up to the gym without a plan is like setting sail without a map—you might end up anywhere, and you probably won’t reach your destination or in this example you'll probably not get the results your looking for.

    Our training is customised and delivered via our app, your data and workout history is saved so this ensures complete progression week in, week out. The helpful timer manages your rest in between sets and makes your time at the gym super efficient.

    Find out more.

    If you’ve found yourself at a fitness standstill and you just aren't seeing any changes despite hammering the gym and eating healthy our Coaching is perfect for you.

    No matter what your fitness goal is, be it with muscle building, weight loss this package will offer the level of support and guidance you need to start making changes.

    Our programs are tailored to deliver complete assistance and ensure results, addressing all aspects of training, nutrition, hydration, and overall activity. We leave no stone unturned and guarantee to break you through your plateaus. Find out more.

    Select the package that best suits your needs or if your unsure book a free consultation and we can talk through each package and help you make an informed choice about what would be best for you.

    Read more about Health and Fitness in our blog.

  • Using an Online Personal Trainer offers a whole host of advantages, including:

    Customised Workouts: Tailored to your specific fitness goals, needs, and abilities. No cookie cutter programs.

    Expert Guidance:Professional advice and techniques to maximise your workouts and prevent injury.

    Motivation and Accountability:Regular weekly check-ins with your online personal trainer keep you committed, accountable and progressing.

    Efficient Results:Focused training plans alongside tailored nutrition targets help you achieve your goals faster.

    Variety and Creativity:We provide diverse exercises to keep workouts interesting and challenging.

    Read more about Personal Training and the benefits.

  • Yes, online personal training is highly effective for weight loss. In fact more effective than conventional in personal personal training, why?

    Our Online Personal Training isn't about the sessions you take part in at the gym under the instruction of your personal trainer, we cover your whole weeks training AND set your nutritional targets to compliment your training and general daily activity.

    We design your personalised workout program making sure your training focuses on strength, building lean muscle, which boosts metabolism.

    We pay particular attention to your nutrition as this should be in harmony with your training ensuring your are fuelling in the right way.

    Your progress is 80% nutrition and thats why its a dual focus.

    We also provide motivation, support, accountability to maintain consistency, habit changes which achieve long-term weight loss.

    Want to learn more about weight loss?The key to sustainable weight loss or our Top 10 Tips or Weight Loss, see our Blog page, we cover the following topics which can help your under standing on weight loss and where you could be going wrong:

    Beginners Guide to Weight loss

    Maintenance Calories

    Building a healthy meal plan

    Cardio vs Strength Training

    Common Weight Loss Problems

    The key to sustainable weight loss

    The truth behind weight loss

  • Absolutely!

    Our Online Personal training is excellent for beginners.

    We provide foundational knowledge, teach correct exercise form, and gradually introduce you to more advanced workouts, ensuring you build a solid fitness base without overwhelming yourself. Read more about our online coaching.

  • Our programs primarily focus on strength training, complemented by occasional cardio exercises such as treadmill sessions, cross-training, stair climbing, and intermittent high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

    While we understand that some people enjoy the community or competitive aspects of workouts like CrossFit, it’s important to note that such intense workouts aren't suitable for everyone.

    Our approach demonstrates that you can achieve peak results through strength training, light cardio (even as light as walking), and proper nutrition.

    You don’t need to push your body to the extreme to see results, you don't need to run if you either simply don't enjoy running or running causes you pain.

    Effective training isn’t solely about lifting as heavy as you can. Factors like range of motion, tempo, and precise execution are crucial for sculpting and strengthening your physique.

    While strength training is the core component of our programs, nutrition plays a significant role in body transformation and fat loss.

    By focusing on building muscle and adopting sound nutritional practices, you'll promote muscle growth and metabolic efficiency, facilitating lasting changes in your physique and overall well-being.

    Will lifting weights make me bulky? No (See our bog)

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Online Personal Training |
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Personal Training Online |
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Body Confidence |
Things to consider when choosing a Personal Trainer
  • Online Personal Trainer - The Training Experience

    Look for an online personal trainer with experience in your specific fitness goals or requirements.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Trainer Fitness Credentials

    Ensure your online personal trainer holds relevant certifications and qualifications.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Online Presence this doesn't mean social media

    Check your online personal trainer reviews, testimonials, and presence on places like Google.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Exercise Demonstrations

    Verify if your online personal trainer provides guidance for using gym equipment for example video demonstartions for each exercise.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Trainer Communication Style

    Assess your online personal trainers communication style and determine if it aligns with your preferences.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Trainer Availability

    Ensure your online personal trainer will be available / contactable for support if you need it.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Trainer Specialisations

    Consider if your olnline personal trainer specialises in areas relevant to your fitness goals or limitations.

  • Onleine Personal Trainer - The Training Cost and Packages

    Review your online personal trainers pricing structure, packages, and payment options for affordability.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Fitness Technology

    Check if your online personal trainer utilises platforms or apps that are user-friendly and compatible with your devices.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Personal Progress Tracking

    Assess how your online personal trainer plans to track progress and provide feedback to ensure accountability and results.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Trainer Personality Fit

    Consider if your online personal trainers personality and coaching style motivates and inspires you.

  • Online Personal Trainer - The Trainers Support System

    Determine the level of support your online personal trainer offers beyond workouts, such as nutritional guidance or lifestyle advice.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Likeability

    Do you like the online personal trainer and are they someone you think you can work with..

    Online Personal Trainer: Do they pratise what they preach?

    Does the trainer inspire you? Do they practise what they preach, have they been where you are, have then demonstrated their ability to get to where you want to be.

10 Things you could consider implementing if your just not ready to start using an online personal trainer
  • Online Personal Trainer: Gym workouts at home:

    Start with simple exercises at home, such as bodyweight movements or yoga, to build confidence and strength.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Fitness activities Outdoors:

    Engage in outdoor activities like walking, hiking, or cycling to improve fitness and enjoy nature.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Online Fitness Resources:

    Utilize online workout videos or fitness apps that offer guided workouts and instructional videos.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Healthy Eating:

    Focus on improving your diet by incorporating more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Online Stress Management:

    Practice stress-relief techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or journaling to improve overall well-being.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Consistent Sleep Schedule:

    Establish a regular sleep routine to ensure adequate rest and recovery for your body.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Hydration:

    Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water, which is essential for overall health and energy levels.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Fitness Goal Setting:

    Set achievable fitness goals and create a plan to gradually work towards them, starting with small, manageable steps.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Fitness Accountability Partner:

    Find a friend or family member to support and encourage you on your fitness journey, holding each other accountable.

  • Online Personal Trainer: Fitness Professional Guidance:

    Consider consulting with a nutritionist, personal trainer, or health coach for personalized guidance and support.